As mentioned in a previous post, Level 4 of the GPC was not a lesson, but rather a series of challenges meant to reinforce what was taught in Level’s 2 and 3. This time, I elected to create a new game rather than modify an existing one.
I settled on a top down shooter/adventure game and added features and flourishes as I went along. I used my earlier conceived true grid movement code, but this time, I used a switch statement instead of a series of if statements (or at least fewer of them):
switch (keyboard_key) { case vk_left: case ord("A"): sprite_index=spr_player_walk_left; if moving=0 { moving=1 instance_destroy(obj_target) target=instance_create(x-64,y,obj_target) move_towards_point(target.x,target.y,4) } break; case vk_right: case ord("D"): sprite_index=spr_player_walk_right; if moving=0 { moving=1 instance_destroy(obj_target) target=instance_create(x+64,y,obj_target) move_towards_point(target.x,target.y,4) } break; case vk_up: case ord("W"): sprite_index=spr_player_walk_up; if moving=0 { moving=1 instance_destroy(obj_target) target=instance_create(x,y-64,obj_target) move_towards_point(target.x,target.y,4) } break; case vk_down: case ord("S"): sprite_index=spr_player_walk_down; if moving=0 { moving=1 instance_destroy(obj_target) target=instance_create(x,y+64,obj_target) move_towards_point(target.x,target.y,4) } break; }
While trying to figure out line of sight, I came a new function:
That was my first time using the collision_line, which I don’t think is covered at all in the GPC, though it might be included in his how-to’s somewhere…I came across it after watching a tutorial video by “GM Wolf” on YouTube:
This would have solved a lot of issues for me…for instance, in a previous project, I had an idea to create a trap comprised of two moving blocks which collided into and bounced off of each other. While everything worked fine, it would occasionally cause the block to get stuck in a wall. This happened because it’s movement caused it to overlap before it detected the collision, thereby getting stuck inside the wall, unable to go anywhere.
I solved this before using the place_meeting function, but was never introduced to the End Step Event, which would have been the right way to do it. Nevertheless, I can think of other uses for collision_line and am glad I learned of it!
All in all, I spent about 2 days (most of the weekend) working on this little mini-game, and here are some of the features I included:
- Destructible walls that advance in damage by manipulating the image_index
- Enemies that can navigate mazes (using John Janeka’s code from Level 12)
- Line of Sight for enemies with projectiles
- Health, ammunition and keys global variables that persistent between rooms
- Lock and key mechanism
- A switch that reveals the exit when touched
- Randomized muzzle flare and smoke when firing bullets
- Randomized impact splatters when an enemy is hit
- Different sounds for each impact
- Randomized health power up sprites to add variety using a single object
- Exits that allow you to advance to the next room
- Capped health at 100%
What I not did include were:
- Fail condition/game over when you run out of hitpoints
- Start screen
- Game Over screen
All in all, it’s a neat little game though unfinished, and good practice for more serious projects to come!